......Soulful Images and Stories


Trusting the Journey

One of the big take away from my recent retreat was to realize that for the most part of my adult life, I believed that there was something fundamentally wrong with me even though I couldn’t quite articulate it.  There was this nagging feeling that something was blocking me from being all I could be.  And one night the teacher said during his Dharma talk, “there’s nothing wrong with you.”  After sitting with that one simple thoughts for a day or so, I finally got it was about “trusting.”  Trusting that I am on the right path, and I am growing in exactly the right way no matter how imperfect it seems.  There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with me like I had believed.  As long as I’m following my heart, I must trust that I am making my own contributions to the world in a way that’s unique to me.  And as long as I’m working with people with similar values, the impact can be much bigger than I, as an individual, can make.  So there, I’m choosing to trust my long and winding journey and letting go of a burden of carrying the problems on my shoulders.  Phew...


Izumi Tanaka