......Soulful Images and Stories


Another Unexpected Blessings...


London is about to turn 2-years old in a couple of weeks, and we know there won’t be a birthday party this year.  Besides we haven’t really spent too much time with her since she came along other than our occasional visits that usually lasts may be an hour or two.  So this was a delightful opportunity to be with her.  And oh, what a bundle of joy she was!  She’s definitely at an age between being a baby and a little human (I guess you call that a toddler!) when she’s independently mobile and learning to communicate with words but she’s still not able to formulate them clearly, which makes it unbearably adorable.  It was my dream come true to take her to my beloved woods to walk the trails and show her all the big big trees.  For three days, we got to play with this little being as our heart cracked so wide open.


Izumi Tanaka