......Soulful Images and Stories


Circle of Gratitude

On a personal level, I have my own “Circle of Gratitude,” a group of friends with whom I exchange daily lists of things we’re grateful for. This practice started over a decade ago and has become a meaningful part of my daily ritual — though I do miss days now and then. Each day, I try to list 12 things I’m grateful for. Some days, it flows easily; other days, it’s a struggle. But the act of writing these lists is powerful. My friends share their lists with me too, and over the years, these exchanges have become a kind of diary, offering a glimpse into what was happening in my life at the time. Sometimes, friends comment, “It sounds like you’re doing great!” even when I’m facing challenges and had to dig deep to find my gratitude. But that’s the point, isn’t it?


Izumi Tanaka