......Soulful Images and Stories


Before the Snow

Despite the temperature drop before the snow on the weekend, we managed to get out to our favorite trail to take in the fresh air, the blue sky, and hear the wind. Anyone can attest, especially after having gone through the pandemic (can’t believe it’s been 3 years!), that being in the nature is good for us. I’ve learned personally the benefit of being amongst the trees and bushes, the birds, all other critters who call these forests home. Now I’m learning how to reciprocate as a human who live among them. How can I be a better steward to the place I call home? How can I care better? As I watch the snow clouds roll in in the field, I’m contemplating on the work in front of me. How can I help? What does the Earth needing us, human species, to do?


Izumi Tanaka